Tāwhaki is a partnership between the New Zealand Government and the indigenous people of Kaitorete –Wairewa Rūnanga and Te Taumutu Rūnanga. We have established the National Aerospace Centre at Kaitorete: a multi-use facility in one of the world’s best locations to take flight, launch, and discover new horizons.

“Tai timu, tai pari ngā wai o Mahaanui
Te taki hāruru ki te pīngao mumura
O Kaitorete whenua
E rere ana ki a tātou e

The tides of Mahaanui rise and fall
Crashing against the blazing sand sedge
Of the land of Kaitorete
Which flow here to us.”

Moemoeā Our vision

According to Ngāi Tahu legend, the demi-god Tāwhaki reached to the heavens to gather mātauranga (knowledge). Through a rejuvenated Kaitorete and aerospace partnerships we will retrace the journey of Tāwhaki to grow mātauranga for the future of people and the planet.

Our purpose Kaupapa

At the heart of Tāwhaki is a kaupapa (purpose) to advance Aotearoa’s aerospace industry and rejuvenate the unique whenua (land) at Kaitorete.

We do this by weaving together mātauranga Māori, and the very best research, science and cutting-edge innovation in aerospace and environmental rejuvenation to ensure our people and planet flourish for generations to come.

Ngā uara Our values


Creative, innovative, solutions-based


Actively tend, guard, take care of Kaitorete


Value and respect relationships between people and the natural world order


Enduring, courageous, focused on the kaupapa

While we look to the sky, so must we keep our feet firmly in the whenua.